
Telescopes collect electromagnetic radiation which provide images and data about various aspects of the universe.

Hubble Telescope Update: What’s happened since 2005?

There have been four previous servicing missions to Hubble: scheduled to launch May 11, 2009, will be the final trip to Hubble. The astronauts’ goals for SM4 are to install new instruments, replace degraded systems, and bring inactive instruments back to life.

ISS Update:

Chandra X-Observatory Update:



  • How many satellites are currently orbiting the Earth?


  • What are the various heights of the satellites orbiting Earth?

    Some are as close as a few hundred Kilometres from Earth while some are 35000 km above ground

  • Why are the satellites at different heights?

    The higher it is the longer it takes to do one complete revolution, so it takes images at different periods of time to each other.

  • How are geostationary satellites unique?  How many of them do we need to cover the entire Earth’s surface?

    They deliver more than one-third of the surface. It contributes to the network of information used to forecast weather patterns

  • Give three different types of satellites that there are in space.

    Artificial satellites, inward-looking satellites and outward-looking satellites

  • For each of the different types of satellites listed, give how they are useful in today’s society.


    Collecting weather and climate data

    Data for mineral exploration

    Strategic defence




    observing other planets

    observing stars

    observing material that could collide with Earth

    listening for sounds of extra terrestrial life

  • Finally, for each of the different types of satellites listed, give how they have impacted today’s society. Impacts can either be positive or negative.


    They give us the communications, This is good and bad because we can talk to people far away but also takes out person to person interaction.



    It gives us a preparation if something might collide with Earth so it is good.




Life of a Star

1.Apparent magnitude is the magnitude measured from Earth whereas absolute magnitude is the magnitude of the star at a distance of 10 parsecs.

2.a) approx. 9430° to 4400° Celsius

b) approx. -8 to -5 for absolute magnitude

c) The sun is in main sequence and around 5000° Celsius it’s absolute magnitude is +4


3.One is Nuclear fusion and the other is gravity

If the temperature is higher the colour of the star is more of a blueish colour and the cooler it is the more red it is



The sun is in main sequence and around 5000° Celsius it’s absolute magnitude is +4. It gives the planet the right conditions to live.





Hot Neighbour-The Sun

  • The Sun is the closet Star to Earth and is small in mass compared to other stars, like Cygnus 
  • The sun produces heat and light through the process of nuclear fusion
  • The Sun realeses massive amounts of particles and energy into space. This can be seen interfering with the Earth’s magnetic field in the North and South poles
  • Aurora australis produces beautiful patterns across the night sky because of the Sun’s particles

Natural Selection and Biodiversity

1. Lamarck different thinking because he believes organisms inherit functions from there parents. Whereas Darwin thought they adapted through the place they live

2. artificial selection is different because it has human input for what goes in where, characteristics. Cloning is an example of artificial selection, humans can chose the traits and put them into one.

3. Biodiversity is a place where different organism strive. A dessert has a different climate to a rainforest so different organisms will strive better in one other then the other.

4.Humans for they are destructive. They will generally wipe out a habitat for resources destroying a portion of the land and organisms that live there.

5. more organismes to create medicines, and for food :D. We will have more access to organisms that will provide us with medicines and food sources

Natural Selection

1. Variation of inheritable characteristics must exist in the population.

2. Environmental change happens that selects for the best suited characteristics that enable an organism to survive

3. Organisms that survive need to reproduce and pass the characteristics on to their young

4. These favourable characteristics increase in the population


Example 1 “I am Legend”

1. Will Smith’s character has Immunity to the virus.

2. Virus/cancer cure introduced

3. Will Smith saves the mother + Child

4. Mother meets another surviving male they may produce children with immunity


Example 2 (Pokemon)


1. They have different stages in life where they can grow stronger

2. Battling a stronger pokemon

3.  A pokemon will evolves to overcome a attack because it becomes stronger in power

4. You can give it to a day-care with a ditto then come back in a week then an poke egg has been made.



Expanding Universe


b) range

c) Electromagnetic Spectrum

d) A bright star

e) They concluded that stars were moving away from Earth by observing the red wavelengths

f) Scientist thought some stars were moving away fro Earth

g) Gravity will eventually be the glue to join to galaxies together

2.a)Decrease in wavelength

b) Away from the person

c)Violet Light

d)Towards our solar system

3. For there that the lights of stars are becoming more red so that he suggested that the Universe was expanding.

4.  For that the Gravity is keeping them in place while the universe is expanding

Evidence of Big Bang


1.To create new radio technology


2.the sun interfering with the radio waves


3.It lead to a new field of radio astrology and also to discover remnant heat.


4.When the explosion happened the extreme temperatures


5.When the Universe cooled down, the radiation gradually lost energy and moved through an electromagnetic spectrum.


6.The residual (or left-over) long-wavelength radiation is still existent from the explosion.


7.The Bell scientists wanted to eliminate unwanted static that was interfering with satellite signals


8+9 They found that microwaves (long wave-length electromagnetic radiation) were causing the interference, the microwaves were arriving with uniform intensity from all directions in space


10.Microwaves and residual waves


11.It was convincing as the waves haven’t ceased to be. The reason why is because the waves need to travel on particles which there is little of but the explosion of the big bang would give them enough energy to keep going.

Our understanding of the universe

Atom<Molecule<Moon<Mercury<Venus<Mars<Earth<Sun<Milky Way< Galaxies<Universe


1.A nebula is a cloud of gas made up of dust in space, that are between stars. While Galaxies are a large cluster of stars.


2. I believe that astronomers did not pick up on the Andromeda Galaxy as that the magnification of telescopes did not make it clear that they were stars in the distance making it an illusion that they were specs of dust.


3. Albert Einstein put forward a theory (E=mc2) which was the theory of relativity, c is the speed of light and the mass is relevant to how the energy that stars emit.  Edwin Hubble suggested that some ‘so-called’ nebulae contain stars called Cephied variables.  Georges Lemaitre he formulated the modern formula for the Big Bang Theory.


4.That We are still searching in space!


  1. The Universe is predicted to be how many years old?

14 Million years ago

  1. The Earth is predicted to be how many billion years old?

4.54 billion years

  1. First life began on Earth how many billion years ago?

3.8 billion years since simple cells existed

  1. Humans as we know them have been around for just over how many million years?

2.5 million years since appearance of Homo, 200 000 years of anatomically modern humans

  1. The correct model of Earth, Planets and Sun was discovered how many years ago?
  1. The discovery that the world wasn’t flat happened how many years ago?

Thoughts of it being round in 3 B.C but proven in 1521

  1. The realisations that there are galaxies beyond our own Milky way occurred how many years ago?

The first other then the Milky way was discovered in 1919

  1. The discoveries of Plate Tectonics and DNA occurred how many years ago?

Plate Tectonics- Proposal that there were plate tectonics, Discovered in 1960’s

DNA- 1953 Discovered.

What will exist in the next 50 years: Cure to Cancer, Cure to Aids, Better Education, Longer Life Span and most of all more mystories